Approvals and certifications

We strive to be the best, not because it’s easy, but because it ensures our customers that we deliver the highest quality and prioritize the green solution in the execution of prefabricated bathrooms. In Green Box, we have the following certifications and approvals

CE certified

Green Box A/S is now certified in DS/EN 1090-2

This means that our internal quality assurance system (FPC) complies with international requirements in EN 1090-1, and we can therefore deliver CE-marked steel for all our prefabricated bathrooms in execution classes EXC1 & EXC2, as well as declaration methods 1, 2, 3B & 3A.

With the CE marking, Green Box A/S guarantees that our prefabricated bathrooms are manufactured in accordance with the common European requirements for the production of structural steel introduced by the European Commission.

As part of the certification, all processes related to steel have been mapped and controlled, from design to the packaging of the finished bathrooms.

SINTEF approval

Our prefabricated bathrooms, as the only Danish-produced ones, have SINTEF approval, which is the highest technical approval in Scandinavia. They have been tested with a 10 cm water pressure on the floor for two weeks, high-pressure flushed on wall boxes, and much more.

All technical installations are individually tested, and several components have been tested at DTU. As part of the approval, the factory's systems, including procurement, goods reception, quality assurance, and training processes, have also been checked.

Præfabrikerede badeværelser fra Green Box er brandtestet af DBI

Fire test

Prefabricated bathrooms from Green Box can serve as apartment partitions in compliance with both fire requirements and sound requirements of 55 dB. This way, you save a heavy wall between the apartments and gain an additional 20 cm of space in each apartment.

Together with DBI, we have tested our construction and thus meet the EI 60 fire requirements for the use of bathrooms in apartment partitions. You can receive relevant documentation upon request.

Patentafskrift for præfabrikerede badeværelser fra Green Box


For several years, Green Box has developed and tested our construction, which is now patented in Denmark and the EU.